Genesis 1:27 & the Left’s Unholy War

Yesterday, on the day Christians around the world celebrated Easter, Joe Biden decided to make this absurd declaration to amplify so-called Transgender Day of Visibility: The Left's unholy alliance with radical LGBT ideology and uncompromising pro-abortion politics demonstrate they are at war with Nature and Nature's God. This is not a war they will…

Dr. Mohler on the State of the SBC

Dr. Albert Mohler joined Denny Burk and me at the Kenwood Institute on Friday, February 16th for a conversation on the state of the SBC. We covered everything from the Law Amendment, confessionalism in Baptist life, the Cooperation Study group, the Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force (ARITF), and the SBC Executive Committee. We pray it…

Moral Vertigo

As a young boy, I always felt like I held the ultimate trump card when the inevitable playground argument came up over whose dad was the best. Why? My dad used to be an F-15 pilot.  As a professional pilot, my dad has logged countless hours in the air. One of the things we’ve talked…

Can Christians Attend a Gay Marriage Ceremony? No. Literally, They Cannot.

In his minority dissent in the 2015 Obergefell decision that legalized so-called gay marriage in all fifty states, Chief Justice John Roberts expressed a level of righteous indignation that unfortunately seems to be fading very rapidly from the public square: "The majority’s decision is an act of will, not legal judgment. The right it announces…

On Parenting the Affections

Half of parenting is shaping who or what your children look to for approval. Christian parents: if you can train your children not to give a fig what the world thinks — which will include the vast majority of their peers — you are doing well. This doesn’t predominantly happen through assertion, although that is…

Vote Yes! Value Them Both

Q: Should I vote yes? A: Yes! We should support any effort that will lead to the reduction and elimination of abortions in this country, because life is a precious gift from God that deserves the full protection of the law.

Composing a Revolution

Excerpt from Oliver O'Donovan's Begotten or Made? "Sometimes the philosophy of an age is epitomized in a work of art; and to my mind the modern programme for morality was never better expressed than at the very begin­ning of the modern period, in Beethoven's opera Fidelio, surely the greatest of all artistic tributes to the…

A Christian Case for Parental Authority

I appreciated the invitation from Andrew Walker to write on the biblical case for parental rights and authority for Public Discourse, and online journal of the Witherspoon Institute. Below is an excerpt from the article, the rest of which can be read here. "Parental authority is enshrined in Christian Scripture in a prominent position as…