A Christian Case for Parental Authority

I appreciated the invitation from Andrew Walker to write on the biblical case for parental rights and authority for Public Discourse, and online journal of the Witherspoon Institute. Below is an excerpt from the article, the rest of which can be read here. "Parental authority is enshrined in Christian Scripture in a prominent position as…

Adorning the Image of the King of Kings

Reading Chrysostom's (c. 347–407) homily on Ephesians 6:1–3 today, I was struck by this simple yet profound picture of the Christian life as a statue or portrait honoring the King of kings: For if men for making statues and painting portraits of kings enjoy so great honor, shall not we who adorn the image of…

Herman Bavinck on Concupiscence

The following excerpts are taken from the third volume of Herman Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics, wherein Bavinck elaborates on the Reformed view of sin and salvation in Christ. In these two excerpts, Bavinck makes the case that the historic Reformed position on concupiscence is that "the impure thoughts and desires (concupiscence) that arose in us prior…

Revoice in their own voice

Much controversy has swirled around the upcoming Revoice conference being held at a PCA church in St. Louis on July 26–28. Here is its stated purpose: "Supporting, encouraging, and empowering gay, lesbian, same-sex-attracted, and other LGBT Christians so they can flourish while observing the historic, Christian doctrine of marriage and sexuality." A number of writers have signaled…

Crushing the Calvarium on Calvary

When we got to the third line of the first verse of Grace Greater than Our Sin this past Sunday and sang "Yonder on Calvary's mount outpoured," all I could think about was Planned Parenthood and the abortionists who crush the skulls of infants. That's a strange association, you might say. Indeed it is. Allow me to explain.…

A Timeline of the Book of Acts

Here is a helpful tool for anyone reading or teaching through the Book of Acts. It is a detailed timeline (although it is without dates) that chronicles the people and events surrounding the founding of the early Church. Click on the timeline for a larger view. HT: Tim Challies  

I am a Nazarene

Genocide is being perpetrated throughout the Middle East by militant Islamists such as ISIS, Hamas, and Al-Quaeda, and every one of these groups is showing its religion's true colors. In Mosul, Iraq, a millinea-old Christian community has been systematically and completely wiped out. In addition to massive losses of human life, history has lost irreplaceable churches, libraries,…